Aplikasi Jadwal Pelajaran
aplikasi jadwal pelajaran

aplikasi jadwal pelajaranaplikasi jadwal pelajaran

Aplikasi Jadwal Pelajaran Code View Teacher

Software development methods in this study using the Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) models Waterfall. The purpose of this study is to design a layout application schedule of subjects at Junior High School in Bandar Lampung. The problems that occurinthe process of finding these subjects usually areerrors in the code view teacher educators, so tha tthe name of the lessons learnedis invalid. The code must be matched to the table the teacher to know the names o fsubjects.

In addition, this application will facilitate students and teacher stosee the schedule. This research resulted in a layout application subject will give provide input to the school. Implementation of the Waterfall modelis described through system analysis, context diagram, DFD, the structure of the database tables, relationships between tables, and design input output.

aplikasi jadwal pelajaran